Monday, August 27, 2012

Blowing Chunks

We've only spent a few days on the road, and already we are dealing with the affects of car sickness.  I'd like to state for the record that I never get sick when I drive, but when David does, it's a different story.  While driving to the Grand Canyon, the combination of my loose, undercooked egg sandwich and winding roads made me start feeling all hot and sweaty... and not in the good "oh I'm so sexy" way, but in the "something is going to be projecting from my body, but not sure which end" kinda way.  Fortunately, for all involved, the demon inside of me opted for the north exit.

David was kind enough to not only stop the car, but to also grab the camcorder.  What a sweetheart!  I vomited like Kate Moss after an all you can eat buffet night at the Olive Garden.  This amused David until the the wind started blowing back into the car.  God, I love karma!  You can watch the video if you really need to feel like you were there.  Heads up... there is adult language.

I've done some research on google for motion sickness, and have bought copper bracelets and dramamine, but nothing seems to really cut it.  I've decided to do most/all of the driving.

Here's a photo of me driving that David took with a flash at night.  He thought killing my vision at 75 mph was funny.  Clearly, by my expression, I did as well!  Hello Christmas card!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hahahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahha. At least it wasn't chinese food. And I hope you didn't pee on Dave
