Friday, September 21, 2012

Sorry for failing on the blog updates.  Turns out it's hard to get internet in the middle of nowhere.  I hope this makes up for it!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Utah... Nothing But Wiener

Our time in Utah was brief to say the least.  Temperatures were in the triple digits, and the terrain was nothing but dusty red earth.  We felt like we were driving the Curiosity Rover at numerous points.  We drove through the the entire state with only one stop.  As we drove through Arches National Park we spotted a rock that looked like a gigantic wiener.  Naturally, I insisted we stop to have our photo taken in front of it.  I feel like we really saw everything there was to see in the marvelous state that is Utah in less than two minutes.  After are great time in Utah, we made our way into Colorado.  I have to keep it short today, because we don't have great service, and I'm in a truck stop with wi-fi, and have to run before one of these truckers makes me their bitch.